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Released June 4, 2024
April 20, 2025
Breakin Chains
From the folk grunge spirit of The One the Only Daddy Googoo, comes his debut folk grunge album. Breakin Chains!
Check out, (or not, I'm not your boss) some of the singles from the album that are out now on all streaming platforms. If you would like to pre-save click the link and fill in the contact info with the subject "Pre Save" and message any question you might have. This wild ride is just getting started. If you haven't signed up for the Daddy Googoo email list, do it now.
Daddy Googoo Music
Welcome, and thank you for stepping into the world of Daddy Googoo.
Music is a spiritual energy, one through which all physical things that divide us can be bypassed. Daddy Googoo firmly believes that. Explore the Daddy Googoo portfolio that showcases some of the musical experience that comes from the artistic spirit of Daddy Googoo.
Daddy Googoo Music is first and foremost about sharing spiritual, emotional, and mental energy through music. These things, though shaped by our environments have as much to do with our physical forms as we allow them to. As such I don't care about race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, political ideology etc. when it comes to who connects to my music. As such I don't believe in the basic genetic bio because it doesn't have anything to do with the music. Anything I wish to say about my age, race, nationality, etc. etc. will be stated by me on socials when I feel like it and primarily through the music if my spirit feels it strongly enough.
Understand I am not ashamed of anything I am physically, neither those things I will always be, like my race, ethnicity, or culture, nor those things that will constantly change, like my age, or weight. I am very proud of who I am . Solely because if the choice is between shame or pride, I will choose pride, especially because I was made to feel shame in all things I am, and no one should feel that. Ever. We are all beautiful creatures experiencing life on this world with our own perspectives. We are all one. For that reason those physical and geographical bios are not front and center, but if you must know these things, click here. If you lose interest based on the physical things then you were probably not someone who could connect to what it is Daddy Googoo is all about. And that's fine. I wish you well. This is a community where all are welcomed, so long as they come with love and respect.
Short Music Bio
A man like none other making music like none other. Daddy Googoo understoods that music moves us in ways we can't always explain or understand. Through his many genres Daddy Googoo is trying to connect with each and every other soul on the planet. His folk grunge style stands out for his powerful vocals, dynamic guitar playing, and resonating lyrics that touch on every aspect of the human experience.
Daddy Googoo simply wants to express his thoughts, emotions, and spirit through music, and wants everyone to connect with him through at least one of his many songs. That's what his music is about. Human connection.
Daddy Googoo is the place for music lovers of all styles and walks of life. Here, music and connection is all that matters.
Daddy Googoos music styles include his signature folk grunge, vibe rap, baglama based instrumentals, a music technique he calls stringing, country, grunge, alt rock, and even humorous songs in all the above mentioned styles.
Daddy Googoo also features some amazing young talent in his sons, who he frequently collaborates with. Search through his music and find what connects to you.
For a better break down of each style check the music stylings link.